Monthly Archive:: August 2014

Nurses cannot tell parents: ‘Your child is fat’

School nurses and public health officials have been told to tone down the way they tell parents that their children are overweight. The letters have been “revised” from last year after feedback from experts and parents. Public Health England writes: “When editing the wording in a result letter, or when developing local letters, it is [&hellip


Cruel to be kind: the rise of detachment parenting

It’s the latest child-rearing method in America. But is it good for the family, asks Viv Groskop What are your plans for today? If you are a parent, the chances are that they will revolve around your children, from ferrying them to various Saturday morning improving activities to worrying about how to get them to [&hellip


Homework classes for parents planned

Parents are to be paid to attend classes to help their children with maths, English, and science homework. In some cases, older students may be frustrated and complain that they do not know how to “do my math homework“, so they may ask for additional help in online areas to assist them with this need. [&hellip