Neurotic mothers, anxious fathers, competitive parenting: when did we become a child-obsessed nation? Polly Vernon meets the GP who believes having children is making us stressed and unhappy – and thinks we all need to relax Can you remember a time before the cult of motherhood? A time when parenting wasn’t viewed as a cross [&hellip
Monthly Archive:: September 2014
Dirty nappies and sex on the sofa – too much information?
Blogging about sex, drugs and nappies netted this mother a fortune – but also a lot of hate mail She posted this uproarious rant when her daughter soiled her nappy: “The smell hit me LIKE AN AX [sic] IN THE FACE. I managed to turn her body away from mine and then I saw it, [&hellip
Mummy bloggers know best
Companies are rushing to sponsor the increasingly popular blogs that offer tips on parenting. Scott set up British Mummy Bloggers,, in late 2008 to create a focus for the nascent community. She now runs four different blogs:A Modern Mother, Thames Valley Mums, London Mums and Ex Pat Mums, and the community has grown to more [&hellip