If your bathroom is looking a little shabby, you might want to do it up, but are worried that your small budget won’t cover the cost. When money is tight but things around the house need doing, it can be tricky working out ways to get them done. As parents, most of our money goes [&hellip
Monthly Archive:: August 2015
When Is The Right Time To Buy A House?
Pic Credit If you are starting to make some good money in your career, you might be thinking about taking the leap and purchasing a house. Having your own space free from snooping parents or landlords is wonderful. It’s also a sign of your success and independence as a person. But it is a huge [&hellip
Things to Think About if You’re Making Good Money
If you had managed to get to a position where you are making a significant amount of money, meaning that you are getting an income above your sustainable living, you might want to think about long term investment. In fact, this is most likely the general goal of the entirety of the working class: being [&hellip
The Most Unusual Storage Solutions Ever!
Getting your storage right is one of the basics of running a good home. However, cupboards and drawers can often by boring and take up lots of functional space – so perhaps it’s time to consider some more unusual solutions. We trawled Pinterest and even got out there to the furthest reaches of the internet [&hellip