Monthly Archive:: October 2015

Places to get married in Houston

If you’re thinking of tying the knot there are not many better places to do so than Houston. It has a lot of fun attached to it, and plenty of great places to hold your big day. In this article we will look at just a few of the best places to get married in [&hellip


Thinking about renovating: what you need to know

If you’re considering renovating a property, either to live in or to sell, the first thing you will need to do is work out the tasks involved. This process will establish the limits of what you can reasonably do yourself and will help you set your budget. It will also enable you to set a [&hellip


Enjoyable Ways to Celebrate Your Child’s Birthday as a Family

When your kids are young, you have to take the opportunity to make a fuss out of their birthday. They might be less interested as they get older, and you could regret not giving them some fun birthdays while they still want to spend them with their family. Birthday parties have become a bit of [&hellip


How I stopped Suzie being the center of her own universe (and how you can too!)

Ok, I get it.  I’m a mommy blogger, I’m SUPPOSED to love my children.  (I do too).  I’m also very aware that at times Suzie can be more than a nightmare – and I fear for her future if she continues on the path to ‘madamness’ that she is on.  There is only one career [&hellip


Different ways parents can save money on their shopping

As most parents would probably agree, children can be very expensive. It is not just birthdays and Christmas which put a strain on the wallet; there are summer holidays to fill, new school uniforms to buy, treats to pick up in the supermarket, and toys to fill playrooms with. According to recent studies, the estimated [&hellip


5 fun online hobbies once the kids have gone to bed

Following a long, hectic day taking care of the children, all most mums will want is to flop down in a chair and grab some peace and quiet. Nonetheless, these times are also the only ones most mums have to indulge their own interests, without having to worry about the kids, so thankfully there are [&hellip