Monthly Archive:: January 2017

How to improve customer retention incorporating data

While interoperable devices become more and more customary, a range of new applications have been developed for marketers to help collect, sort and filter data from possible consumers


What Are Your Best Investment Options for 2017?

With savings rates depreciating and the economy contracting, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make the most of your disposable income in the modern age. In fact, with lenders increasingly looking to optimise their gains by minimising savings rates (in line with the BOE’s base rate of just 0.5%), there is an argument to suggest [&hellip


What Gives Events Their Pulling-Power

People looking into the events organising sector from the outside tend to think it’s something they can easily get cracking with and set up from zero to profit in no time. However, this is not as easy as it seems. It requires a hell lot of effort to make an event a success


Five Ways To Pamper Yourself This Year

There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a little pampering now and then. It’s good for your soul and it’s good for your body. It allows you some time to relax, which can help reduce stress greatly. Of course, how you do this will vary, as there is no “one size fits all” type of remedy [&hellip


Sarah Royal of Yorkshire Water Donates Over Seven Hundred Selection Boxes to Children in Hospital

In what has evolved into an annual tradition that has been going on for the past three years now, Sarah Royal of Idle in Bradford donated over 700 selection boxes to children in hospital at Christmas


Working Capital: Why Your Business Needs A Strategy

Effective working capital management should also be an important goal of a business, and a sound strategy towards it keeps the business out of financial troubles