More people are unsuccessful at dieting than the number who achieve their fat loss goals through diets, says one research study. The average person will begin and abandon at least three diets a year, with a diet lasting an average of just over a month and a half.
The desire to lose unwanted body fat is strong and crash diets, in particular, are presented in ways that appeal to the everyday person who wants significant fat reduction as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. Of course, there are other methods such as body contouring that can help a person achieve their desired looks. One can simply search online by typing “body contouring near me” and find a reliable medical spa clinic that can help them with the fat reduction process. But a lot of people often choose dieting instead of non-invasive fat reduction surgeries. These diets, often identified by the severe limitation of foods imposed, produce initial results that are exceedingly difficult to sustain once the diet is abandoned.
The question then arises – why do people fail to commit to their diets with some even ending up weighing more after a failed diet attempt than before. The reasons are many, but there are a few common challenges that most people are thwarted by. Being aware of what these are is helpful in identifying and implementing ways to address them.
What makes dieting so hard to commit to?
Dieting is a lifetime commitment Most people begin diets thinking they will only have to give up a normal diet for a few weeks to lose unwanted body fat. This is far from the reality, as the diets only produce results as long as people are on them – the weight piles back on again as soon as they stop the particular diet. And because the typical fad diet is so restrictive in what is permissible, it is nearly impossible to stick to for the long haul. Bored with eating only a handful of ingredients for weeks on end, the person dieting is soon tempted by indulgent unhealthy treats.
Not establishing a healthy daily routine
Many factors work together to facilitate fat storage in the body in addition to the foods one eats including lack of quality sleep, slowed metabolism, not enough exercise and stress. It is only in implementing a healthy lifestyle to control body weight as recommended by health experts that a healthy body mass index can be maintained. This body mass index is a reliable indicator of what one’s ideal body weight should be according to one’s height.
To keep a body fit and in proportion takes time, as well as commitment; feed the body the nutrients and adequate calories it requires to sustain itself, sleep well, limit stress and schedule time for physical activity.
Not establishing a support base first
Support from one’s family and friends can be hugely encouraging when one is on a weight loss programme. It is the positive influences around you that keep you motivated to keep going and remind you of your health goals.
Why let noticeable bulges in the belly or flabby hips or thighs become a source of depression? CoolSculpting in London at clinics carried out by trained aesthetics practitioners is a non-invasive procedure that eliminates body fat through an advanced technological process that does not require one to starve oneself or endure punishing diets. Treatment plans using this highly effective fat reduction procedure can be customised to suit each patient’s body and objectives.