If you’re a first time parent, or you’re not used to having small children around, then you may not know how to prepare your home for the presence of a toddler or infant. It’s your responsibility as the adult to make sure the space is safe for the child, so don’t neglect these practices if a baby will be present. There are plenty of ways to avoid those dreaded hospital visits. If you have no idea where to begin the process of baby proofing your home, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few simple things you should always remember to check while baby proofing your home.


In the bathroom

There are a few things to consider when baby-proofing your bathroom. You’ll want to start with the water danger. Make sure you have a working water heater, if not, call a plumbing professional from a company like Make It Drain Plumbing & Rooter (check https://makeitdrainplumbing.com/north-hollywood-plumbing-services/) to get it fixed. Once you have a hot water facility, check the temperature of the water and see if it is not set any higher than one hundred and twenty degrees. Besides that, procure a toilet lock on the toilet seat, so little ones don’t get into the toilet and play or smash their fingers. When it comes to the bathtub, you will want to make sure to have a faucet cover and a nonskid mat at the bottom of the tub. This way, your baby won’t slip around in the water like a slimy fish at bath time!

In the common areas

When it comes to the common areas of your home, you’ll want to make certain that there are socket covers on all of your electrical sockets. You don’t want any singed baby fingers. This is the most obvious hazard in the room, don’t neglect it. Also, you will have to make sure anything small and breakable is out of reach for the little ones. Make sure all wires and shade cords are secured properly. If you have stairs, you need a baby gate. If you have a fireplace, you need a guard for it. Just think like a mischievous child, and you’ll begin seeing all of the possible dangers.

In the kitchen

You’ll want to make sure that tasty animal food is put away. Kids love to stick things in their mouths, and they will not hesitate to do so with your cat’s or dog’s food. To prevent this, feed your animals on a schedule and stay with them while they eat, ensuring your kid doesn’t have a chance to start chowing down. When not cooking, remove the knobs from your stove to prevent burns. Lock up all the cabinets to keep children from accessing cleaning chemicals. For additional safety, have a trusted plumber (if interested, click here) check your water and gas lines regularly. This may prevent potential hazards from occurring. Additionally, prompt maintenance can also help maintain a well-functioning kitchen, thereby creating a safer environment for your kids and avoiding unexpected plumbing issues. For example, if you have a clogged dishwasher pipe, these people can get it fixed instantly. Plumber In The Hills District Sydney are known for their quality plumbing services. If you are in that area, consider checking out the companies with the best customer feedback.

In the bedroom

The U.S. Government just recently updated the specifications for a safe baby crib, so you will need to make sure your child’s bed fits those specifications. There’s no more need for those cute blankets and bumpers in the crib anymore, as they have been proven a suffocation hazard. Also, if your baby has a mobile, then you should remove it once they are able to pull themselves up.