When it comes to working, those of us in the workforce have numerous options to choose from. We also have our preferences in where and how we work. Some of us prefer the desk job and others enjoy manual labour, some of us enjoy working out of doors while others enjoy being sheltered from the elements, some prefer to work away and others wish to work from home. There are a number of myths about working from home, the top two being that you have to have your own business and that it is far less profitable to work from home rather than in an office. We are going to bust open both those myths and discuss how you can mould your credentials into a career at home.
Part Time or Full Time
When it comes to any job, you must ask yourself whether you are aiming to work part-time or full-time. Think about your home situation and your setup. What are your reasons for wishing to work from home? These will help give you an outline of what your work-from-home schedule might look like. There is a lot of planning when it comes to working from home and you have to make sure you have the right type of software and products that will allow you to communicate well with the rest of your team such as video or voice chat.
It is of utmost importance that you have a system in place that lets you work without any hindrance. One way to ensure that is by installing high-speed internet such as those offered by Alaska Communications Internet. Not only this but as you design your own schedule, you also have to adopt strong time management skills. Remember that just because you are working from home does not mean that any stressors are removed from the picture.
To help reduce any potential work stress, creating a space solely for working is a helpful way to keep your mind focused, as well as keeping your work separate from your family life. And while you can create a room solely for work, a better idea would be if you could make a separate space away from the hustle-bustle of the house. This could look something like shed offices that can be designed to suit your work needs. An outdoor space like this can allow you to focus fully on your work, and when it’s time for a break, just step outside onto your backyard and spend some quality time with family.
Work With Your Credentials
Think about your credentials. Review your resumé and the skills that you possess, as well as the past jobs that you have held. Choose those jobs that you have enjoyed most to use as a baseline for a career from home. If you have had past experience in and enjoyed a sales career, then an auto insurance affiliate program might be right for you. If you are a writer, then freelance ghostwriting might be something to check out. Even teachers can work from home! There are numerous companies that teach English or provide tutoring to students via the computer. All that is needed is internet access, a webcam, and a microphone – all of which tend to be built in standard with today’s laptops and computers. For more ideas, a quick Google search will provide scads of careers that you can happily do from home.
Apply, Apply, Apply
As with any job, a career from home will require you to apply for jobs. Whether you are choosing to work with a certain company or as a freelancer, you will have to search and apply for those jobs. Spruce up your resumé and build yourself a portfolio that showcases the work that you have done in the past that is relevant to the jobs you are applying for. As with any career, landing that work-from-home job may require applying to multiple companies. It is important to stay confident and not give up!