Getting your storage right is one of the basics of running a good home. However, cupboards and drawers can often by boring and take up lots of functional space – so perhaps it’s time to consider some more unusual solutions.
We trawled Pinterest and even got out there to the furthest reaches of the internet to find some awesome examples of creative storage.
Take a look, get inspired, and why not give them a try?
Closet Nursery
Not that putting your new-born into storage is something that we’d recommend – but if you are short on space then a large closet can double up as a fantastic nursery. Keep the baby’s bits and pieces underneath and you’ve got a great space-saver.
Bookshelf Stairway
This takes a fair bit of adaptation, but when it looks this good, isn’t it worth it? The space under the stairs is often overlooked, so put it to use and you’ll never have to get rid of your favourite books again.
Secret Toothbrush Notch
If your bathroom isn’t quite as spacious as you’d like it to be and you’re plagued by the toppling toothbrush glass, then taking a few notches out of the shelving in your bathroom cabinet makes organising your toothbrushes easy-peasy.
Use the Space behind Your Doors
A few hooks isn’t going to cut it anymore – you’ve got more space behind your doors than you think. This innovative use of slim PVC pipes will give you plenty of space to hang your towels so that they’ll actually dry. Genius for tiny flats or laundry rooms.
Closet Laundry Room
Speaking of laundry rooms – they’re easier to come by than you might have thought. If you’ve always dreamed of being able to shut the door on the chaos that is your washing, then use a deep closet and you’ve got your wish! For even more usable space, build a sturdy shelf and keep laundry baskets underneath. Quite a project for any keen organiser.
Under Stair Office
The perfect under stair office will make working at home a heck of a lot easier. If you’re banished to the dining room table or even if you (shock horror) work with your laptop propped up in bed – then having all or your work-related bits in one place will be life-changing. Your productivity will go through the roof!
Innovative Shelf
The cheap magazine racks that you can get practically everywhere make a really useful corner shelf with plenty of room for smaller items. A little paint or varnish and you’ve got some great storage!
So there you have it – if you’re struggling with your space requirements, or you just like to squeeze every last drop of purpose out of your humble abode, then get to work. Let us know how they go!
Author – RHP Racking is a specialist provider of racking & storage solutions in the UK and supply just about any type of shelving that you can imagine.