When you are injured in an accident, you will most likely need medical treatment, but many people refuse this care because they are concerned about how they will pay their medical bills. Even if you are able to file a claim against the at-fault party, your doctors want to be paid now, and if you are like most people, you haven’t budgeted in extra money into your bills to cover ongoing treatment.

If you have insurance coverage, it may help, but depending on your type of coverage, there are hidden caveats in many policies that won’t pay for care that is due to certain personal injuries. Most companies are very careful regarding their health and safety rules and regulations, such as having the correct number of fire extinguishers (CLICK here for more on those) in the event of a fire, or having wet floor signs present at any sign of dampness. So how do you know if your insurance will cover you if you get injured?

In general, it depends on the type of injury you have and the kind of insurance coverage involved in your case.

Insurance Companies and Personal Injury Care

In most personal injury cases, you are responsible for your own medical treatment until the case has settled. At that time, the negligent party pays damages that reimburse you for your medical bills and other costs, but until then, the burden of payment is on you. Expert attorneys like those at the Jeff Brooke Team will work to get you reimbursed for your care, but while your case is ongoing you still need treatment that may have to come out of your pocket.

This is not the case for automobile accident claims, however. Some states are what are called “no-fault” areas. If your car accident occurred in a no-fault state, then your automobile coverage will pay for part or all of your medical bills up to policy limits or your state’s “no-fault” limit. Considering all the options, it is definitely prudent to consider abogados de accidentes or accident lawyers for any problem regarding any claims for the car accident.

Once these limits have been reached, you are responsible for paying for your continued coverage. At this time, private health insurance or Medicare and Medicaid coverages will kick in to pay for your treatment. If you have no back-up insurance, you will have to work something out through your provider to be a self-pay patient.

Accidents in areas that do not fall in “no fault” states may have insurance policies that carry “med pay” coverage, or coverage that will pay your medical bills, or your passengers’ bills, after an accident up to policy limits. This is usually an optional aspect of your insurance policy. If neither party in the accident has med pay coverage, then you will be responsible for your medical bills yourself.

Med pay can also kick in if you have a slip and fall accident and the owner of the premises has property insurance with med pay coverage. If not, then you as the injured party would be responsible for the bills.

Regardless of your type of personal injury, whoever pays your medical bills, including the insurance company, is entitled to reimbursement after your case settles.

Medical Care is Essential to Your Recovery

Whatever your injury situation is, your medical care must be priority. Not only do you need this treatment to get your body back to pre-accident status, or as close as possible, but your attorney will need your medical reports to successfully win your case.

If paying the bills is stopping you from seeking medical treatment for your injury, talk to your attorney right away to see how they can help you get the care you need.