Children Archive

Encouraging Small Green Fingers

When the weather has been so dark and dreary it’s difficult to encourage the little ones to put on their coat and grab some fresh air


Kidswear to Survive the Holidays

The adverts are starting to appear on TV; fairy lights are going up in towns and cities across the country: the holidays are coming. It’s time to start preparing and, if you’re a parent, it’s likely that kidswear will be on your mind. Whether you’re looking to buy clothing as Christmas gifts, or you want [&hellip


Keep calm, it’s only a baby

Neurotic mothers, anxious fathers, competitive parenting: when did we become a child-obsessed nation? Polly Vernon meets the GP who believes having children is making us stressed and unhappy – and thinks we all need to relax Can you remember a time before the cult of motherhood? A time when parenting wasn’t viewed as a cross [&hellip


Dirty nappies and sex on the sofa – too much information?

Blogging about sex, drugs and nappies netted this mother a fortune – but also a lot of hate mail She posted this uproarious rant when her daughter soiled her nappy: “The smell hit me LIKE AN AX [sic] IN THE FACE. I managed to turn her body away from mine and then I saw it, [&hellip


Do you really know what’s going on at your child’s school?

A teacher with 25 years’ experience writes anonymously about life inside the education system – and explains how parents can work it to their advantage Technically, the Senco was obliged to investigate any claim and carry out relevant assessments, but none of the parents knew this. Further, because we’re an academy, it’s much harder for [&hellip


The kids who beat autism

Doctors had thought autism was irreversible even if it could be extensively treated with the help of services like Infinite Therapy Solutions. Now, new research suggests that one in ten autistic children sheds symptoms before adulthood At first, everything about L’s baby boy seemed normal. He met every developmental milestone and delighted in every discovery. [&hellip